Wednesday, February 24, 2010

not Everything is llike an instant mi!!

Yup, not EvErYtHiNg is like an instant mi. not everything can be done in just 2 or 3 minutes..infact not a day i gez! just like managing this lovely fucking blog! haiz...when i 1st started composing here, i tot of pouring my thoughts, stupid feelings and daily routine everyday! i was hoping that this gonna be like a diary of NAPEACE SHUAA..haha..but...masa amat mencemburui diri ku ini..huhu! assignments! procrastination! all those damn things! i hate the fact that iam a student! bound with all those freaky things! i feel iam too draggy here! but..i dont know what to write actually! blogging is not actually me! i dont like writing! haha...but i'll try to write as much as i can...

actually, this week might be just an ordinary week for me..nothing interesting has shocked me! but iam actually happy! happy n happy..bole x nak berbangge jap? i really proud to say that i love my new haircut! haha...ish..boring nye! ak yg tulis ni pun bosan tgk entry ni..haha...seriously i have nothing to post..haha..cume best je tgk blog ni makin byk post..haha..ok bye! lg satu mcm bongok je tajuk entry ni..ape2 pun..blasah je!


  1. LOL.. Just write whenever you can.
    Would love to check out your new haircut..
    maybe u should put a pic of ur hair? ;b
    Blog is for you to express, NOT impress..
    So, don't worry so much about your entries..
    It should be about YOU and things that matter around u.
    Till your next entry.. Ciao! ^^

  2. haha...yup! but sometimes iam too perasaan..tot of people would read my entries..hehe...thanx dewi! one thing is! iam tooooo lazy to transfer than upload the pics..laziness again..haha
